Penny slots are back in Vegas. Blame it on the economy but at the Mirage where I stayed there were more penny slots than quarter, nickel or dollar slots combined. Here is the funny thing, you are going to bet just as much playing penny slots as you would playing max credits on a quarter slot. I am guilty. I enjoyed playing the pennies.
Drink service has never been faster. We were all over the strip and never had a problem getting a cocktail. Even when we were just playing the penny slots. Maybe they know now more that ever it is important to keep the players drunk so they don’t realize that they just gambled away the little remains of their 401k.
You know how the rule to raising a daughter it keep her off the pole. My goal for raising a son will be to keep him of the stage in any type of theatrical production. Say Beatles LOVE and couldn’t help but think what the guys dad would think if he saw his son prancing around the stage in tights. Sorry son I will let you play soccer before I let you even consider being in the school musical.
What does the guy handing out the hookers phone numbers think of the Jesus Loves us and forgives your sins people? The Jesus people were out in full force this past weekend. Awkward combo.
The reason that I have a little dislike for Chicago is because when you are walking around Michigan avenue people wander like zombies with no purpose or intent to pay attention to who they might run into. Walking in the strip and even in the casinos this weekend was TERRIBLE. Here is a tip if you don’t have any idea where you are going get out of the way and let me get by. Add that to my list of pet peeves.
People that dress up like statues scare me.
You are a loser if you take your kids to Vegas and they are under the age of 18. What the hell are they supposed to do there? If you can afford to go to Las Vegas then you can get someone to watch your kid.
When did a cheeseburger become $15 dollars? I love Vegas but lunch for two can’t be done for less than 30 bucks. Impossible.
Good picture nice to see i loved it
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